User Terms & Conditions

User Terms and Conditions


1.    Introduction:

1.1 The following Terms and Conditions apply in whole to all individuals and entities who use the Huunoo application (“App”) which is designed to find local businesses and service providers. By creating a user account or otherwise interacting with the App you agree to the applicability of these Terms and Conditions.

1.2 Huunoo Limited (“Huunoo”) is a UK registered company with registered address of 72 Eastgate, Deeping St. James, Peterborough, England, PE6 8HJ and company number of 14391930.

1.3 Please note that our App is only available to those who are located within the United Kingdom.


2.    Jurisdiction:

2.1 These Terms and Conditions are governed by, and construed in accordance with, the law of England and Wales. If you are accessing the App from outside England and Wales, as a user of the App you are solely responsible for complying with all local laws and regulations.


3.    Description:

3.1 Huunoo provides an inclusive platform that allows businesses, including registered companies, partnerships and those who are self-employed, to advertise their business without having to compete with larger organisations that often appear at the top of the results generated by search engines.

3.2 Huunoo’s ethos is to provide a location based App that shows individual users local businesses that are able to provide the services they require based on both their location and the key words that are entered.

3.3 Within the App a business can pick key words and phrases which can be used by users searching for a service. This is available under the free account provided by Huunoo. However, a business can pay for a plus account or a premium account, expanding search terms alongside additional features, including  an expanded radius and increased video capacity.


4.    Creating an account:

4.1 In order to use the Huunoo App to browse local businesses and service providers it is necessary to create an account. In order to do so, the following information must be provided:

a)    Name or company name.

b)    Email address.

c)    Password.

4.2 For more information about how we collect, process and store your personal data please read our App Privacy Policy [link].


5.    Making an enquiry:

5.1 Our App is an advertising platform only. It does not provide the functionality to contact the businesses or service providers directly.

5.2 In order to make contact with a business or service provider please use the contact information provided on their business profile.


6.    Acceptable use:

6.1 The App must only be used in compliance with these Terms and Conditions.

6.2 You must not:

a)    Use the App in a manner that is unlawful or fraudulent.

b)    Knowingly cause harm to the App by uploading, sending or in any way transmitting data that contains any form of virus or malware or any other code designed to adversely affect computer, hardware, software or data of any kind.

c)    Knowingly cause harm to any other user of the App.

d)    Upload any content that could be termed offensive and/or illegal.

e)    Upload any content that you know or should know is either false, inaccurate or misleading or can otherwise jeopardise the integrity of the App or any other  businesses using it.

6.3 Huunoo reserves the right to remove any content it deems unacceptable at its sole discretion.

6.4 Any material that is offensive/illegal, if necessary, may, where necessary, be reported to the relevant legal authorities. If you do see any such material on the App please use the ‘Report’ option or contact us at


7.    Links to third party sites:

7.1 Links to third party sites may be included or embedded into the App. However, the inclusion of such links are for information purposes only or to increase the App’s functionality and does not imply any endorsement of the sites themselves or those in control of them.

7.2 Unless expressly stated, the third parties that are linked on the App are not under the control of Huunoo nor do we assume or accept responsibility or liability for the content on these third party sites.


8.    Intellectual property:

8.1 With the exception of content a user adds to the App, Huunoo owns the rights to, or has a licence to use, all content in the App including copyright or trademark material or other intellectual property (“IP”).

8.2 All users who upload content containing IP to the App must ensure that they either own or have the right to use such IP.

8.3 If notified of a violation of intellectual property rights Huunoo will remove such content as soon as possible. However, in any event, Huunoo is not liable for any violations of intellectual property rights in relation to the content uploaded to the App by users. 


9.    Indemnity:

9.1 As a user of the App you shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless Huunoo against claims, actions or proceedings for losses, damages and costs, including court costs and reasonable legal fees, arising out of or in connection with your use of the App.


10. Limitation of liability:

10.1 Huunoo accepts no liability for any damages caused to a user either directly or indirectly through the use of the App.

10.2 Nothing in these Terms and Conditions seek to exclude Huunoo’s liability for death or personal injury caused by negligence (including negligent actions taken by employees, agents or subcontractors), or fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation by Huunoo. Nor does it limit any liabilities otherwise required under law.

10.3 Any liability that does arise is limited to the subscription fees paid over any relevant 3 month period.


11. Disclaimer:

11.1 Huunoo provides the App but not the specific services. Overall responsibility to ensure that all applicable laws and regulations are complied with, including advertising standards and any other regulatory controls, falls with the individual business advertising on the App. If you wish to raise an issue regarding this please contact the business directly.


12. Changes to these Terms and Conditions:

12.1 Huunoo may alter these Terms and Conditions at any time. In the event that alterations are made, such alterations will become binding on you as a user upon your first visit to the App after the changes have been made and gone live.

12.2 Where changes are made to the subscription fee charge or any cancellation rights, all subscribers will be notified before the changes go live.


13. Data protection, privacy and cookies:

13.1 These Terms and Conditions have been drafted in line and in accordance with the UK General Data Protection Regulation (“UK GDPR”), as enacted into UK law by the Data Protection Act 2018 (“DPA’18”).

13.2 Use of the App is governed by Huunoo’s Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy. These policies are incorporated into these Terms and Conditions by this reference.


14. Severability:

14.1 If any provisions of these Terms and Conditions are found to be unlawful, invalid or are otherwise enforceable by any court or other authority, those specific provisions shall be deemed served from the remainder of these Terms and Conditions. The remainder of these Terms and Conditions shall be valid and enforceable.


15. Law and enforcement:

15.1 These Terms and Conditions, and the relationship between Huunoo and users of the App (whether contractual or otherwise) shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of England and Wales.

15.2 Any disputes concerning these Terms and Conditions, the relationship between the users of the App, or any matters arising therefrom or associated therewith (whether contractual or otherwise), shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the court of England and Wales.


16. Contact us:

16.1 If you have any questions or concerns regarding these Terms and Conditions please email us:

General enquiries:

Concerns about privacy:

Reporting offensive/illegal activity:



Merchant Terms & Conditions

1. Introduction:

1.1 The following Terms and Conditions apply in their entirety to all individuals and

entities who use the Huunoo application (“App”) to advertise their business. By creating

a business account or otherwise interacting with the App with the aim of advertising your

business you agree to the applicability of these Terms and Conditions.

1.2 Huunoo Limited (“Huunoo” or “we” or “our” or “us”) is a UK registered company

with registered address of 72 Eastgate, Deeping St. James, Peterborough, England, PE6

8HJ and company number of 14391930.

1.3 Please note that the App is only permitted for use by those who are located within the

United Kingdom.

2. Description:

2.1 Huunoo’s provides an inclusive platform that allows businesses, including registered

companies, partnerships and those who are self-employed, to advertise their business

without having to compete with larger organisations that often appear at the top of the

results generated by search engines.

2.2 Huunoo’s ethos is to provide a location based app that shows individual users local

businesses that are able to provide the services they require based on both their location

and the key words that are entered.

2.3 Within the App a business can pick key words and phrases which can be used by

users searching for a service. This is available under the free account provided by

Huunoo. However, a business can pay for a plus account or a premium account,

expanding search terms alongside additional features, including an expanded radius

and increased video capacity.

3. Creating your account:

3.1 In order to use the Huunoo App to advertise your business it is necessary to create a

business account. In order to do so, the following information must be provided:

a) Name or company name.

b) Email address.

c) Password.

3.2 For more information about how we collect, process and store your personal data

please read the App Privacy Policy [link].

4. Creating your business’ profile:

4.1 Once an account has been created you can begin to build your business’ profile by

adding additional information. This includes contact information, links to your website

and other material, links to your business’ social media, photographs and videos.

4.2 We encourage you to add as much information as you can regarding your business to

get the most out of the App and make your business stand out to individuals who may be

interested in your services. All we ask is that the information, photographs and videos

that are uploaded are relevant to your business, comply with our acceptable use policy

and do not otherwise breach these Terms and Conditions or any other rights in anyway,

including those relating to intellectual property.

5. Subscription:

5.1 As a business you must have an active subscription in order to advertise your

services. For now, the minimum subscription term is 12 months, paid on a monthly basis.

For more information regarding the applicable fees please see the subscription page on

the App or on our website.

5.2 At the moment we only have 1 subscription format available, however, we are

looking to expand this over time and welcome any feedback in relation to what other

subscription models would be attractive.

6. Payment:

£29.99 per month

7. Cancellation and refunds:

7.1 All subscriptions come with a “cool off” period. Meaning you have the right to cancel

for any reason within the first 14 days of your subscription. Where payments have been

made, you will receive a refund in relation to any unused services.

7.2 After the initial 14 day period, you can cancel your subscription at any time by giving

us 30 days written notice of your intent to cancel. In such event you shall remain under an

obligation to pay the full amount of any outstanding subscription term. If you decide to

cancel or terminate your subscription you will not receive a refund in regards to any paid

subscription fees.

7.3 If Huunoo cancels or terminates your subscription for any reasonable purpose, we

will give you 30 days written notice. In such case you may be entitled to a partial refund.

7.4 If you breach these Terms and Conditions we have the right to cancel your

subscription with immediate effect. In such an event you will not be entitled to any refund

and may still be liable to pay the remainder of any outstanding fees for your agreed

subscription term.

8. Accepting enquiries:

8.1 The App does not provide functionality to accept enquiries directly from users but

provides a place for users to find the information they need in order to make contact with

the business directly.

9. Acceptable use policy:

9.1 The App must only be used in compliance with these Terms and Conditions.

9.2 You must not:

a) Use the App in a manner that is unlawful or fraudulent.

b) Knowingly cause harm to the App by uploading, sending or in any way

transmitting data that contains any form of virus or malware or any other code

designed to adversely affect computer, hardware, software or data of any kind.

c) Knowingly cause harm to any other user of the App.

d) Upload any content that could be termed offensive and/or illegal.

e) Upload any content that you know or should know is either false, inaccurate or

misleading or can otherwise jeopardise the integrity of the App or any other

businesses using it.

9.3 Huunoo reserves the right to remove any content it deems unacceptable at its sole


9.4 Any material that is offensive/illegal, if necessary, may, where necessary, be

reported to the relevant legal authorities. If you do see any such material on the App

please use the ‘Report’ option or contact us at

10. Links to third party sites:

10.1 Links to third party sites may be included or embedded into the App. However, the

inclusion of such links is for information purposes only or to increase the App’s

functionality and does not imply any endorsement of the sites themselves or those in

control of them.

10.2 Unless expressly stated, the third parties that are linked on the App are not under

the control of Huunoo nor do we assume or accept responsibility or liability for the

content on these third party sites.

11. Intellectual property:

11.1 With the exception of content a user adds to the App, Huunoo owns the rights to, or

has a licence to use, all content in the App including copyright or trademark material or

other intellectual property.

11.2 You must make sure you have the appropriate ownership or licence for any content

you upload, including images, videos, audio and music, and your use does not infringe

anyone else’s intellectual property rights.

11.3 If notified of a violation of intellectual property rights Huunoo will remove such

content as soon as possible. However, in any event, Huunoo is not liable for any

violations of intellectual property rights in relation to the content uploaded to the App by


12. Indemnity:

12.1 As a user of the App you shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless Huunoo against

claims, actions or proceedings for losses, damages and costs, including court costs and

reasonable legal fees, arising out of or in connection with your use of the App.

13. Limitation of liability:

13.1 Huunoo accepts no liability for any damages caused to a user either directly or

indirectly through the use of the App.

13.2 Nothing in these Terms and Conditions seek to exclude Huunoo’s liability for death

or personal injury caused by negligence (including negligent actions taken by

employees, agents or subcontractors), or fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation by

Huunoo. Nor does it limit any liabilities otherwise required under law.

13.3 Any liability that does arise is limited to the subscription fees paid over any relevant

3 month period.

14. Disclaimers:

14.1 Huunoo provides the App only and takes no responsibility for how you use the App

to advertise your business. . It is your sole responsibility to ensure that all applicable

laws and regulations are complied with, including in relation to advertising standards

and any other regulatory controls.

15. Changes to these Terms and Conditions:

15.1 Huunoo may alter these Terms and Conditions at any time. In the event that

alterations are made, such alterations will become binding on you as a user upon your

first visit to the App after the changes have been made and gone live.

15.2 Where changes are made to the subscription fee charge or any cancellation rights,

all subscribers will be notified before the changes go live.

16. Data protection and Privacy:

16.1 These Terms and Conditions have been drafted in line and in accordance with the

UK General Data Protection Regulation (“UK GDPR”), as enacted into UK law by the Data

Protection Act 2018 (“DPA’18”).

16.2 Use of the App is governed by Huunoo’s Privacy Policy. This policy is incorporated

into these Terms and Conditions by this reference.

Huunoo – V3 DRAFT (October 2023)

17. Severability:

17.1 If any provisions of these Terms and Conditions are found to be unlawful, invalid or

are otherwise enforceable by any court or other authority, those specific provisions shall

be deemed served from the remainder of these Terms and Conditions. The remainder of

these Terms and Conditions shall be valid and enforceable.

18. Law and Jurisdiction:

18.1 These Terms and Conditions, and the relationship between Huunoo and users of the

App (whether contractual or otherwise) shall be governed by and construed in

accordance with the law of England and Wales.

18.2 Any disputes concerning these Terms and Conditions, the relationship between the

users of the App, or any matters arising therefrom or associated therewith (whether

contractual or otherwise), shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the court of England and


19. Contact us:

19.1 If you have any questions or concerns regarding these Terms and Conditions please

email us:

General enquiries:

Concerns about privacy:

Reporting offensive/illegal activity: